Quick Takes With: Katie Bowes

While doing the tough work of finding the state’s best design destinations for our book ‘Remodelista in Maine’, we fell for The Post Supply, an elevated general store in Portland, which at the time had just, just opened. Without fail, each time we stop in, we’re introduced to makers we’ve never seen and objects that, inevitably, we see first on museum-like display at the shop and then all over. 

That’s thanks to Katie Bowes, style scout and one half of the duo behind the shop. “It’s always been my dream to own a store like The Post Supply,” says Katie, who worked in merchandising, publishing, and styling in NYC before moving to Maine. “My intent then was to open a shop, but we needed time here to grow our community and understand the needs of the area better. I bided my time; I was also busy having my children and buying and renovating our home and getting settled in Maine. Eventually, I partnered with a dear friend, and The Post Supply came to be.” (Now it’s also a community gathering spot for workshops, book launches, and creative pop-ups of all kinds—see Shopper’s Diary.)

Today Katie writes in from with the best design upgrade she and her husband (the designer/builder Brad Bowes) made to their rambling Maine house, the design shops she admires, and a spicy design opinion, too. Read on…

You’re invited to dinner. What’s your go-to gift?

I am big on expressing gratitude through thoughtful things and like to also problem-solve for folks, so you’ll find me bringing a beautiful bottle of olive oil or vinegar, a small vessel filled with flowers from my backyard, and lots of snacks to share.

What’s on your bedside table?

My bedside table is a real moment for me. I love bed. A giant stack of books (just picked up All Fours and The Guest), Mother Tongue Magazine, Apartamento, my favorite light from Hay, a dish from artist Michelle Blade (who used to create beautiful ceramics under the name Good Kind Work), a rotating favorite body oil for the winter months from Everyday Oil or Wonder Valley, and rocks collected by the sea.

What’s your desert island design/art/architecture-related book?

I am a massive book collector, so this is a bit like choosing a favorite child—but if I had to choose, Leslie Williamson’s books hold many of my favorite projects. Handcrafted Modern would be my top choice.

Above: Vignettes at the shop (left) and at home (right), courtesy of Katie’s stylist eye.

What podcast or playlist do you put on when you need inspiration?

My favorite current podcasts are definitely Poog (!!!), The Daily, and A24. For music, my number one go-to artist of all time is Joni Mitchell and followed closely behind with music by Neil Young, The Lemonheads, Nora Brown, Townes Van Zandt, Bonnie Prince Billy, Joan Shelley, Fleetwood Mac, and honestly whatever my husband cues up. When it comes to merchandising the store, it’s usually BeyoncĂ©.

What’s a film or TV show whose aesthetic has stuck with you?

The Little Princess and The Secret Garden were my all-time favorite movies as a child, and still to this day feel like I am yearning for moss-covered rocks; native plant gardens; tons of flowers—growing fresh, cut, and drying; a lived-in and layered home; texture and pattern; evidence of travel; and lots of life.

Which Instagram account do you go to for design inspiration?

I love everything Grace Cobb puts out there. Also Slow Roads. Justin Chung photographs really beautiful spaces; Salmon Creek Farm and Casa Lawa are always up to something inspiring, Picnic for Lunch, Maison Flaneur, Permanent Collection, Patricia Rodi, Home Studios, Brian Ferry, my best friend’s design studio, I_N_S_I_D_E_S, Tessa Watson, TIWA Select, T Magazine, Upstate Diary, and more…!

What has been your best house upgrade?

We went through a major home renovation in 2018-2019 and made so many important and exciting upgrades. I’d say the top few were finishing our barn, which allowed us to create a loft apartment on the second floor. Also, adding this huge wraparound deck off three sides of the home, which functions as another living space for us in every season of the year. Finally, moving our kitchen to a new part of the home with higher ceilings and better natural light so we could gather and host the way we love to do.
Above: “I live with my husband and two children a little north of the city in a little country town,” says Katie. Here, her best house upgrade: a modern-meets-traditional wrap-around deck that serves as a gathering spot in all seasons.

A simple or budget-friendly design move you wish you’d known sooner?

My husband is a designer and builder [Joiya Studios] and is extremely skilled at executing great-looking design in the most budget-friendly way possible, so I lean on him a lot for structural and overall design direction. For decor, which is more up to my jurisdiction, it would be the second-hand hunt and the treasures I’ve found at antique shops around Maine for a fraction of the cost of new furniture pieces. That’s added what I think is really special character to our home.

My favorite sheets are…

My mom got me into linen sheets a long time ago, and now I cannot imagine sleeping on anything else. I love how cozy they are in winter and breathable in summer. I have tried a lot and currently am sleeping on Brooklinen, which have been delightfully budget-friendly without satisfying quality. I have also really enjoyed Matteo and Coyuchi in the past.

My unpopular design opinion is…

Dinnerware, mugs, and glassware don’t have to match. I love the look of mismatched items because it feels like a real collection and has a story to tell, instead of just a set of 12 white plates or bowls.
Above: Katie’s dining room, ft. vintage treasures.

My go-to kitchen utensil is…

A wooden spoon. I have a ton and use them constantly. My husband made my favorites, of course, but I have also collected some from antique shops, country markets, and frankly wherever I see one with a good weight and feel.

Three words that describe my design style:

Warm. Inviting. Collected.

What item from your closet do you have on repeat?

I am super tall (6’1″), and it’s very hard to find pants long enough that are also a good fit, durable for everyday wear, and look great. My Jesse Kamm pants are my absolute go-to for building off from. I have several styles and colors and wear them year-round. And because they are expensive, I scour Noihsaf Bazaar for styles I have had my eye on in my size and jump whenever I can.

Above: In Katie’s kitchen.

Favorite design shop to visit (online or in person)?

I am extremely passionate about design shops and so it’s hard for me to select just one! Some of my favorites include: M.Crowe, Nickey Kehoe, Mjolk Shop, The Conran Shop, Labour & Wait, Can Garanya, and probably many more I am not thinking of right now.

What is the last thing you purchased for your house?

I recently took the leap on wallpaper. I’ve been trying to find just the right one for years. My friend Kacee Witherbee of INSIDES Studio casually tossed me a sample of Robert Kime paper and—problem solved! I found this lovely woman who lives in Brooklyn half the year doing set design and Maine the other half, and she papered two of our tiny bathrooms. Honestly they make me ridiculously happy.

Something you’re coveting?

The perfect curtains. We need them especially in our bedroom, but also I have some rooms downstairs in mind I’d like to add this layer to. I am hopeful I will land on a textile and design soon, but these things cannot be rushed!

Thanks so much, Katie! Follow her work via The Post Supply and on Instagram @katiegbowes and @thepost.supply. In Maine? Stop in.  | bit.ly/3XLoEJb



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